Sunday, July 25, 2010

1 more sleep - but disaster!

Can't wait, can't wait - but yet, had a disastrous morning this Sunday before we go.. all the paperwork for the trip, the hotel bookings, car confirmations, tickets, visas have lived on the dinner table since last week - and had an entire cup of coffee spilt over it this morning!!

Cue much panic, reprinting of docs and sodden kitchen roll everywhere..

THEN, about 10mins ago, whilst cleaning all the photo frames, making the flat spotless for Calv's feeders on Thur, put the New York frame back up, moved onto Madonna and Wonder Woman when the lovely silver frame of said NY pics crashed to the floor - prompting an unplanned trip to Ikea that we can well do without!

Tried just pritt-sticking the frame to the back board but just looks crap...


Unknown said...

cheap rubbish, sorry


Dave G said...

I can't help but chuckle at your bad luck! ;-) Hope you're both having fun! :-D