Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hervey Bay - day 5

Got here late on Thursday and fell into the cabin room - put the alarm on for half an hour nap, woke up at 7am Friday morning!!

Never mind, extremely hungry, headed for the beach/strip, found a great place for breakfast then crossed the road to find this beach: Torquay would you believe!! Raced back to cabin for beach gear - realised had none as everyone told us it would be winter, so all had was scarves and mitts (will need them in NZ, last weather update -3). Quick stop in crappy souvenir shop for beach umbrella and towels and local surf shop for boardies then lolled on this beautiful beach all day..



mum b said...

Looks fabulous,see you trouble finding somewhere to lay your towels?

Unknown said...

Did you have to cross to it on the red tarmac foot bridge ?

Boardies and towels - that'll help with the luggage allowances :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there...dead jealous THE GODMOTHER xxxx