Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bondi.... The Last Post!

Today was our last day in Oz - and we are spent! Ready to go home now - had enough of living out of suitcases!

Got the bus to Bondi this morning - tad bit disappointing - iconic beach but whole area needs a facelift, in our humble opinion! Newquay looks way better...

Yet another slush puppy

A lone surfer - can't help but think there are sharks there..

My problem with sand has not gone away

Goodbye now

Thanks so much for all the comments - back to talking to you all now!

End of blog x


Made it to Sydney for our last 3 days of fun in Oz.

Massive shock when we stepped out of taxi outside the hotel - smack bang in the middle of the busiest bit - took us a while to reacclimatise to the hustle and bustle of a major city, compared with the total isolation of NZ..

Spent yesterday wandering around the harbour, took the ferry to Manly to loll on the beach there - was lovely - fancy that commute to work!

The Sydney version of Leicester Sq cinemas is round the corner, so we went to see 'Salt' last night - was really good film, too.

Off to Bondi today - will see what all the fuss is about..


Cheesy grin

JB - batteries have run out..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello little Evelyn Rose Eggby!

Congratulations to Matt and Kate, thought she was never coming out!

WE cannot wait to meet little Evelyn Rose!

Awww little bubba!

Hope you are all well!

We will be round hopefully next week!

Lots of Love x x x

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad F!!

Monday 23rd August, 2010

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birth-day, dear Da-ad,
Happy birthday to you!

65 today - don't look a day over 38!

Hope you have a great day - do nothing, relax, drink as much beer as you like - just like any other day, really!! You'll probably need a holiday soon, so get yourself off to the van - you deserve it!

Hope you like the present and card - see you very soon!

Lots of love
Jen & Jen x x

Hello Geek on a boat!

Please refrain from using our blog to lie and make up stuff just because you live on a Geek boat..

Captain Cook and his boat would beat your boat any day of the week! Yours doesn't even move!

Just had to put that straight - making up lies - tut tut Hannah Lynch!

I am now referring to myself as Frances Cook! Thank you very much!

Anyhoo, NZ is FANTASTIC - but bloody freezing. You need to invest in a warm coat of some kind, and maybe a pair of mitts.
Here's a little round up for you:

Christchurch - Nice but currently undergoing a refurb, good shops and coffee shops and there's a wagamamma.

Kiakoura - Fantastic little town, you must if you have your own transport drive about 20 mins towards Picton to Ohau and the seal colony. Also really good for whale watch, but seeing as you have already seen some, whatever.

Hanmer Springs - Again lovely little village, bit like centre parks only spectacular snow capped mountains surrounding you whilst you sit in the thermal pools - and not that expensive.

Franz Josef glacier - amazing to see, you can park and walk right up to them without a guide or anything but a really tiny town to stay in (local town for local people - so you'd fit right in, really!!)

Queenstown - fantastic ski town, loads of bars and restaurants - we stayed in the Bella Vista which was perfect on price, location and local advice - but obviously there're loads of mingy backpacking holes for you to stay in - with plastic sheets.
A MUST is the sky diving. NZone on Shotover st... fantastic.
Doubtful Sounds is better than Milford to go to - all the info shops sell tours but 'Real Journeys' (opp Starbucks) is the only one that goes to Doubtful.

We're flying to Sydney tomorrow lunchtime - then home! Gosh, where's our summer gone??

Hope you are grand and loving been on your boat!
Oh one more thing - you cannot top up your mobile phone here, you can only do it by card online - so top up before you go!

Lots of Love and Sea hugs, First-mate Barbara!

Frances Cook and her shipmate Lesley!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sky Diving - Amazing...


Absolutely aMAZing!!! We finally got to jump out of a plane at 12,000ft

Just us two in the plane - along with the pilot and our 'tandem masters' and the photographers of course... one of the most nerve-wracking yet best-feeling things we've EVER done..

Was fine right up until the green light came on in the plane and we started bum-shuffling forward..

Scared - moi??

Little Jen - jumping out backwards.. how cool

Little Jen - now upside down!

Proper sky-diving now - JB

Flapping did not seem to help! JF

Both looking a tad worse for wear..

The best day..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hello Dave...

Hey Dave,

Hope you are grand and had a fabulous time in Spain and are having a good summer!

This place is fab!

Hope you have not been into school too much - See you in 10 days (nooooooooo!)

Lots of love x x x


THANK YOU so much for writing that on the blog - Everything here and Australia is about Captain Cook, keep telling everyone I'm related, but they just look at me weird! (I feel like they should name something after me, maybe a creek.)

Leaving Queenstown this morning, but the sun is shining so hopeful we will be able to jump!

Got two more days in NZ then its Sydney.

Glad to hear you're having a fab time at Auntie Pam's - see you in 6 days!

Love you all lots!
Will text if we jump! xxxx (it'll be from my mobile - no credit in NZ - so don't panic if you see my no.)

Doubtful Sounds...

Firstly, woe is us, skydiving has been postponed AGAIN until tomorrow morning - Sun 9:30 - it's our last possible chance as we're driving back up to Christchurch tomorrow so if we get to do it, we'll be going straight from the drop - fingers crossed again!

Yesterday was a day trip to Doubtful Sounds - and was another fabulous day. Long drive in the morning to get to Manapouri where we got on board the first of 2 huge boats for that day. Designed for 300 people - there were 20 of us! Felt like we had our own boat for the day!!

At the end of the lake is some hydro-power station that everyone seems really proud of so we took a few pics of it but still not sure how it works..

Then coach through the Wilmott Pass down to the mouth of the actual Sounds. Another boat up and around the Sounds and then right up to the Tasman sea - we got to rocks that Cook got to from the other side and then turned around - pretty awesome!

The best bit has to be the wildlife (again) - we were hoping for dolphins and penguins - and saw both! The dolphins, totally wild, swam past about 40ft away and the main dad dolphin came to the boat to check it out - lots of sharp intakes of breaths...

The penguins were of the Little Blue species which are apparently the rarest penguins in the world - (think it's because they're only found in Doubtful?) Anyway, brilliant to catch sight of them.

PLEASE let there be no snow or cloud tomorrow morning...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Caught a 'rob' fish..

You never met Barbara? She's tin coloured and waits by our front door for gold dubloons.. she was quite slim when she moved in but recently, she's really showing her christmas weight..

Thought you would've added to her overall wellbeing, is all..

Mum: you're so predictable - knew you'd be praying for snow!

Hamner Springs to Queenstown

Our spa day was wonderful! We bathed in the smelly sulphur thermal pools, and 41 degree rock pools - just like a bath.. only surrounded by snow-capped mountains - very relaxing.

Stayed at a fab motel but had to leave early in the morning for the long drive across the whole of the South Island - from Hamner to Queenstown, via the Franz Josef glacier on the far north east coast.

What a drive! It's a cliche but true, that around almost every corner was a 'wow' moment as the landscape became more and more dramatic - mountains, snow, lakes, awesome coastlines - all amazing.. finally got to Queenstown after a 10 hour drive and lurched into our motel.

Exhausted, but then woke up this morning to the stunning village/ski resort - so so glad we've got 4 days here - surf/ski shops galore, gigantic lake, and again, snow-capped mountains surrounding the whole valley.

However, our scheduled sky dive this morning had to be postponed till Saturday at 8:30am as there was too much snow at the holding zone! But the forecast for Sat is even worse so fingers crossed - we are now in the hands of the weather fates...

So, to cheer ourselves up, we booked ourselves onto a tour of the fabulous sounding 'Doubtful Sounds' - apparently named by Captain Cook as he was indeed 'doubtful' that his ship would make it to land around that coastline - we'll just be happy to see a penguin...

That was this morning and the afternoon was spent playing up the top of one of the mountains here - got a gondola up to the top and drove a luge down! Fantastic fun!

6am start tomorrow - yay!

Monday, August 16, 2010

mum and dad f:

Don't worry, we'll be expecting contributions to our now-empty holiday fund when we get back - (before you panic about Vegas, that's already set aside..)

And we're hoping Rob and Al have given to 'Barbara' - is only fair!

Will text after the sky-diving.. honestly!

Any postcards arrive yet? We've sent loads...

Yup, on to spa day - got the back massage already booked and a full day in the hot spring water - yay! Leaving Kaikora now for drive to Hamner.

Would like to say missing you both too - but you know that'd be a fib! No really, missing talking to you - that's why we like doing the blog so much.

Can't believe we're on day 23 already! It's shot by..

Love you both x

Whale Watching...

An absolutely amazing day - pictures and video says it all! Out on a boat in the icy Pacific ocean, trying to spot whales by their 'spout' and then coming up close enough for great pics.. well worth waiting for!

The smile belies the very sea-sicky feeling..

Our boat

An albatross!! We actually saw albatross'!!!
One lifelong dream, tick..

One of four sperm whales that we got to see - really truly awesome.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Seal Colony in Ohau

Got to Kaikora around lunchtime so drove north for another half hour to find the seal colony on the map - after a few amazing corners of cliffs and sea views, we came across the adult seals all lolling around on the rocks at the edge of the sea.

Over the road, however, was a short walk to a fresh water waterfall - and all the baby seals!!

Thought we were doing well to find a couple of them swimming in the stream on the way up but then found them all playing in their own pool. Never seen anything like it - totally wild seals, no rangers or guides, no cordoned off area - you could literally fall into their pool. Really unbelievable - could've stayed there all day...


Arrived safely into Christchurch airport around midnight, picked up the fab 4x4 and zipped straight into the city centre for a couple of nights in the holiday inn.

Christchurch itself is a bit medievally - full of English looking historic buildings and the river Avon running through it! Got on a tram and loaded up on touristy info.. also had a trip up the gondala to view the Canterbury peninsula from v high up - amazing..

Left there this morning and drove up on empty road to Kaikora - got 2 nights here but more importantly, going whale-watching tomorrow, which we cannot wait for!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Howdy Dad and Mum B..

I felt it was my duty to show the world our 'Come on Eileen' dance!

How are you both? Have you made to the town of 'Burniston' yet? How's the flat? Hows Calvin, thank you for feeding him this week x x x x x x

Any news on Spartacus?

Love you lots, x x x x x x


Had the best 2 days here in Melbourne - full of culture, artsy stuff, Collins st (like our Regent st) old buildings, massive skyscrapers, yellow cabs, bars, cafes and trams! We jumped on one yesterday to get to the zoo - (the oldest in Australia, second oldest in the world) - and it was FAR better than the bloody rip-off that is the Steve Irwin zoo...

Saw a snow leopard, huge lions, tigers and their cubs, pygmy hippos, red pandas, meerkats and massive bears.. all in all, we had a great sunny morning out at the zoo (along with all the primary school children out on their school trip..)

Back in the city for lunch and a visit to the Immigration Museum - good but we were flagging by yet another story of someone coming over on the boats in 1788.

Straight over the Yarra river for the Sky Eureka trip up 88 stories to the highest building in Australia where you get to walk around the top, take loads of photos and feel the thing actually swaying!!

Back down, found an Irish bar (sacrilegious, we know) and then a Noodle House for tea.

Off to New Zealand we go......

Melbourne at night

Jen'd had enough of the school kids

Eureka Skyscraper

Eat your heart out, Darwin.. another uncanny lookalike!
I am learning a lot about myself this holiday!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Well done dad..

Good save, dad - mum's right, am impressed! We'd better get that new mac quick...!

Jen and Hannah weren't drunk dancing - think that makes it worse!!

Got the day in Melbourne now - going to the zoo, museum and the Yarra river (bit like the Thames) for lunch. x

For Mum B..

As soon as it came on, we knew we had to do it... ( well try to, as you can see!)

Hello Auntie Pam!!

Hello Auntie Pam,

It's so lovely to get your comment! Thank you so much!

Australia is fantastic! I'll show all the photos!

In Melbourne at the moment - it is a brilliant city, beautiful.

Flying to New Zealand on Friday!

Hope you have got some of the postcards we have sent.

Hope you are well, can't wait to see you at the wedding!

Love you lots,

Jen and Jen x x x x

Another Big Thing...

Great Ocean Drive - days 15-18

Portland was like any North Scottish fishing port - cold, windy and grey. Couldn't wait to get back on the road.

But then stopped at Port Fairy - a delightful historic town that did a fantastic breakfast!

Apollo Bay was last night's stopover - what an amazing surf village - population of 12oo now but in high season (Nov - Feb) it shoots up to 30,000!! It only has one street!

Left there this morning, driving through floods, on the last stretch of the Ocean Road drive - finally made it to Melbourne at lunchtime and LOVE it here - a huge city with a really great hotel location - right in the heart of cafes, restaurants, bars, shops etc - is really cool, so glad we've got 2 nights here!

Some signs we've seen on the way:

On the Great Ocean Drive - Apollo Bay

Driving from Adelaide to Apollo Bay, the rain's set in. And it hasn't really stopped... so instead of lovely calm tropical beaches, we've now got:

And then back in the car:

High up in the Rainforest

...And It's Goodbye from Her...

Jen and Hannah chilling in the pool..

Finally - Vid of Cribs pt 2

Cribs video - Oz style...

Monday, August 09, 2010

Mum and dad F:

Yay, you're online at last! Why did you come home early from the van?

Great to read your comment - we're currently in a motel in Portland, by the sea, really down South - actually, we crossed the border on this drive and are now in Victoria - a half hour time difference to Adelaide! Is extremely cold, we just went out for dinner in scarves and layers... the wind is biting but fortunately, the motel room has a huge thick extra blanket!

On to Apollo Bay tomorrow then Melbourne for 2 nights before flying to NZ on Friday!!

Post soon, love you lots, Jen and Jen x

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Hello Godmother!

Are you implying that i would take too much with me?????

You obviously know me too well!

Having an amazing time - so far been in 8 different hotels/motels, spent nearly every day driving somewhere, but its all worth it!

In the cold part of Australia now - been used to 30 degrees now only 12!

Hope you're all well - not working too hard! Tell Flo congratulations on the flat - i'm waiting for the invite!

Lots of Love to everyone!

Jens x x

Adelaide - day 15

Flew in to Adelaide last night, picked up the new car - is a Hondel Cruz, very nice - staying in the amazing Hotel Grand Chancellor, smack in the middle of the city - which in itself, is not unlike a rainy Manchester - huge old buildings but with really wide streets and a tram running through it.

Leaving Adelaide now to drive along the Great Ocean Drive down to Portland.

Mum and Dad F - glad you're back home - got your text last night - to catch up on the whole blog, go onto the right hand side and scroll down to 'Blog Archive' - click on the blue 2010 and every post in chronological order will appear so you can just scroll down to read them all. Click on the comments if they have a number next to them and you can read them too, but you don't have to add individual comments to each post - just do one big one after this post - is easier. x x

G'day Hannah!

14 hours - my gosh, bet you wish you took that mountain of salad and chicken and cake and cheese and coleslaw....

Can't upload videos just yet, when we get a hotel with decent priced internet (how expensive is Oz, just paid 7 dollars for a beer - nearly fell of the stool) will upload them! Will give you a text when they are up.

In rainy cold Adelaide, but just had the most amazing thing - wokinabox - better than chicken on a stick!

You on your boat soon?

Take Care! x x

Uluru - day 13

What an amazing day! Fantastic day spent in and around the National Park - learned loads from the very informative guides on our coach and got back at midnight, totally exhausted but really happy - got hundreds of photos, here're a couple:

The Olga's mountain range - behind Uluru and just as spectacular..

A champagne dinner awaiting sunset - fabulous!

Alice Springs - day 12

Arrived in a beautifully sunny yet cold Alice Springs (think of that lovely crisp October day where it's blue skies but you need a fleece and scarf on) and checked in to the Aurora hotel.

Quick walk around the town (literally, there's nothing here) and then out for dinner at Bojangles pub - sorry for the texting hassles to everyone, but we got really excited about the fact that it had a roving webcam and kept showing the pics on huge tellies all around the bar. Would've only been able to wave anyway so nothing really missed...

Booked onto the one-day Emu tour to Uluru - pick up at 5:55am..

Onto a different Lonely Planet..

At the most gorgeous cafe, just about to eat Pumpkin soup!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Mum and Dad B...

Hello Mum and Dad,

Hannah was on her way down to Brisbane, she's working on a boat for three weeks, then flying from Sydney to Tazmanina on the 3rd of September.

Tap dogs - did you get wet?
You literally sit there not knowing what to watch - their feet or their faces! Were you feet moving?

Flying off to Alice Springs for Uluru - we a have a 12 hour day, but we get to hopefully get to see a sunset over Uluru!

Hope you are having a good summer hols and dad's not working to hard!
Lots of Love!

jungle surfing - Cape Tribulation

We went Jungle surfing today - 40m up in the air, suspended by harnesses - no worries!
It was so much fun, zipping through the rainforests of Cape Trib'

Had to be persuaded to let go of the ropes though.. it's just not natural, hanging there!

Just doing my own check of the harness - nerves kicking in!
Jen got the best hat in the place - Atom the Ant- the bloke who harnessed her up was northern! They get everywhere!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Cairns - Day 10

Just finished the 1800km drive from Brisbane to Cairns! Yay! Was really great drive, no probs whatsoever.. think we broke it up just right stopping off in Hervey Bay, Rockhampton, Airlie beach and Townsville along the way.

The weather here is fantastic!! What winter??! It's about 29c up along the coast - brought far too much cold weather stuff - just spending the days shuffling around in boardies and flip-flops - tell you, think NZ is going to be a shock to the system!

Got 2 nights here in the lovely city of Cairns - good hotel with free wi-fi, (hence the many uploads) and a cool lagoon right in the centre for anyone to use - and they do! Also, there're bbq centres that are free for anyone to use, and are cleaned and serviced every morning.. what will they think of next for the busy Cairner?

So excited - tomorrow we're driving up the Captain Cook highway to go to Cape Tribulation (so called because he ran aground and fretted and named it after his ship's efforts). There, we cross the car ferry and drive into the rainforest a bit to go Jungle surfing!!

Basically, it's 5 huge zipwires through the forest lasting about 2 hours - can't wait!

After that, drive back to Cairns via Port Douglas - supposedly the 'French Riveria of Australia' - any excuse for a posh lunch in a spectacular harbour and a walk on the famous 'Four mile' beach.
The harbour at Townsville -
the site for the Battle of Coral Sea in WWII (big memorial and info boards)

They let you pour your own slush puppies at Roadhouses!!

A giant mango - by the side of the road.. of course

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

To mum and dad Foster - if you click on any of the pics, they'll get bigger..

Found the gym a bit late..

The timer on the camera worked!

A walk-in fridge in an Offy!! Heaven!!!!