Saturday, August 21, 2010


THANK YOU so much for writing that on the blog - Everything here and Australia is about Captain Cook, keep telling everyone I'm related, but they just look at me weird! (I feel like they should name something after me, maybe a creek.)

Leaving Queenstown this morning, but the sun is shining so hopeful we will be able to jump!

Got two more days in NZ then its Sydney.

Glad to hear you're having a fab time at Auntie Pam's - see you in 6 days!

Love you all lots!
Will text if we jump! xxxx (it'll be from my mobile - no credit in NZ - so don't panic if you see my no.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, its Hannah, why does it look so cold in all your photos? This is worrying me, i am totally unprepared for cold weather!!
Also Captain Cook gets all the glory for 'finding' Australia, he didn't the boat i'm working on got here 164 years before he did, just thought i would point that out! ha!
new zealand looks amazing by the way!

x x x