Sunday, August 15, 2010

Seal Colony in Ohau

Got to Kaikora around lunchtime so drove north for another half hour to find the seal colony on the map - after a few amazing corners of cliffs and sea views, we came across the adult seals all lolling around on the rocks at the edge of the sea.

Over the road, however, was a short walk to a fresh water waterfall - and all the baby seals!!

Thought we were doing well to find a couple of them swimming in the stream on the way up but then found them all playing in their own pool. Never seen anything like it - totally wild seals, no rangers or guides, no cordoned off area - you could literally fall into their pool. Really unbelievable - could've stayed there all day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic, something very natural Mum B xx