Monday, August 02, 2010

Airlie Beach - days 6-8

Met Hannah yesterday, here at the hotel (5 and a half stars, no less) at around lunch time - is great to see her! She's upstairs in the apartment washing ALL of her bag while she's got the chance..

Hotel is amazing - nicest place have ever stayed! And we got an upgrade so our front room opens out onto an infinity pool - had to get the shot out of the brochure, where Jen and Hannah are leaning, looking out to sea - will upload pics when next can - this comp won't let us..

Going back a bit, the drive from Rockhampton was great - although the squishties here are massive kangaroos - not very pleasant.. saw a few live ones, just sitting by the side of the road - and a cow, in the middle of the road - that was a surprise.. slowed down, waited for it to move - it didn't.. waited it out, eventually it trundled off!

Rockhampton itself was a real cowboy town - had the best steak in the oldest pub in Australia - the Criterion on Quay st - (or so it says) and watched the All Blacks demolish the Aussies (tee hee).

Now at Airlie beach, close to Whitehaven beach - staying for just 2 nights then on to Townsville - only a couple hours drive, stay for 1 night then straight up to Cairns for 2 nights, flying out on Friday, down to Alice Springs for the big rock.

Hope everyone is well, love reading all your comments - thanks so much.

Dave: didn't know you liked dingoes so much - had you down as more of a Tasmanian devil type of guy...

Matt, Kate & Spartacus: hope all is well with big bump - keep us posted of any movements..

Rob: Glad you enjoyed your mini-break - saw your pics on Flickr, they looked great! Sorry for the small pony that is Calvin - think he copied the tiptoe move then strike from a cobra on the tv!! Say sorry to Sophie for us..

No, no pink tarmac bridge at this Torquay beach - be seeing that at xmas.

Think $120 (sorry, can't find the pound sign) for Soph is a good price!!

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