Friday, August 13, 2010


Had the best 2 days here in Melbourne - full of culture, artsy stuff, Collins st (like our Regent st) old buildings, massive skyscrapers, yellow cabs, bars, cafes and trams! We jumped on one yesterday to get to the zoo - (the oldest in Australia, second oldest in the world) - and it was FAR better than the bloody rip-off that is the Steve Irwin zoo...

Saw a snow leopard, huge lions, tigers and their cubs, pygmy hippos, red pandas, meerkats and massive bears.. all in all, we had a great sunny morning out at the zoo (along with all the primary school children out on their school trip..)

Back in the city for lunch and a visit to the Immigration Museum - good but we were flagging by yet another story of someone coming over on the boats in 1788.

Straight over the Yarra river for the Sky Eureka trip up 88 stories to the highest building in Australia where you get to walk around the top, take loads of photos and feel the thing actually swaying!!

Back down, found an Irish bar (sacrilegious, we know) and then a Noodle House for tea.

Off to New Zealand we go......

Melbourne at night

Jen'd had enough of the school kids

Eureka Skyscraper

Eat your heart out, Darwin.. another uncanny lookalike!
I am learning a lot about myself this holiday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. Hope by the time that you read this you are safely in N.Z.
I am a bit worried by the UNCANNY likeness of you & all these animals(good job it didn't have a hoody on)
Hope you enjoy N.Z. as much as you obviously did Aus. Melbourne looked fab.
Keep on posting as & when you can
Lots of love
mum & dad f x x x