Thursday, August 05, 2010

jungle surfing - Cape Tribulation

We went Jungle surfing today - 40m up in the air, suspended by harnesses - no worries!
It was so much fun, zipping through the rainforests of Cape Trib'

Had to be persuaded to let go of the ropes though.. it's just not natural, hanging there!

Just doing my own check of the harness - nerves kicking in!
Jen got the best hat in the place - Atom the Ant- the bloke who harnessed her up was northern! They get everywhere!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mum B Enjoying the photos. Looks like fun!! It was good to see Hannah she looks well, where was she going when she left you? Hope the next flight is less hassle, are you going to wear all the beach gear plus your coat and boots? TapDogs was fab it was very noisey,very clever and some fit young men!! Keep the photos coming Lots of love me and dad Bxx