Monday, August 16, 2010

Whale Watching...

An absolutely amazing day - pictures and video says it all! Out on a boat in the icy Pacific ocean, trying to spot whales by their 'spout' and then coming up close enough for great pics.. well worth waiting for!

The smile belies the very sea-sicky feeling..

Our boat

An albatross!! We actually saw albatross'!!!
One lifelong dream, tick..

One of four sperm whales that we got to see - really truly awesome.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely unbelievable!!!
The pictures & videos are awesome !! You have saved us an absolute fortune 'cos we feel we are doing this trip with you both!!
Thank you so much & keep them coming.(Not so many from your spa day ---I would be too jealous !) and please let us know when you have survived the dreaded sky diving then I can sleep at night !!
I know you are having the time of your lives but I'm really missing
you both. Take care.
lots of love
mum & dad F x x x

Anonymous said...

Looks great, but you do look a bit green round the gills!! I would have loved to seen them but not by boat. Calvin is fine, we are off to aunty Pams for a few days but not going any where else as dad has work, it seems to be flying past here, hope it is not going as fast for you. Matt has your holiday number so he will let you know when Spartcus make an appearance lots of love Dad and Mum B xx

Anonymous said...

Looks great, but you do look a bit green round the gills!! I would have loved to seen them but not by boat. Calvin is fine, we are off to aunty Pams for a few days but not going any where else as dad has work, it seems to be flying past here, hope it is not going as fast for you. Matt has your holiday number so he will let you know when Spartcus make an appearance lots of love Dad and Mum B xx