Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sky Diving - Amazing...


Absolutely aMAZing!!! We finally got to jump out of a plane at 12,000ft

Just us two in the plane - along with the pilot and our 'tandem masters' and the photographers of course... one of the most nerve-wracking yet best-feeling things we've EVER done..

Was fine right up until the green light came on in the plane and we started bum-shuffling forward..

Scared - moi??

Little Jen - jumping out backwards.. how cool

Little Jen - now upside down!

Proper sky-diving now - JB

Flapping did not seem to help! JF

Both looking a tad worse for wear..

The best day..


Anonymous said...

Thank God you have survived that. We have been frantically checking your blog every 10 minutes!!!
You have certainly done something special!!! I couldn't
do that for a million pounds!!!
Are you looking forward to returning to Australia?
I know it's selfish but I'm looking forward to you COMING HOME....
Take care
love to you both
mum & dad f x x x

Anonymous said...

That looks fantastic, well done, glad you got to do that, I bet nothing can beat that feeling I wish I had the guts to do it, well may be not!! Enjoy your last few days in Aus and we will see you next weekend, looking forward to seeing you and all the photos take care lots of love mum dad and aunite Pam XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX