Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad F!!

Monday 23rd August, 2010

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birth-day, dear Da-ad,
Happy birthday to you!

65 today - don't look a day over 38!

Hope you have a great day - do nothing, relax, drink as much beer as you like - just like any other day, really!! You'll probably need a holiday soon, so get yourself off to the van - you deserve it!

Hope you like the present and card - see you very soon!

Lots of love
Jen & Jen x x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you both very much, its obvious you,re both teachers ,cos I get 63 if I subtract 1947 from 2010!!!!!!
I have to watch the film on my own cos Mum is too frightened.
Well done on the sky diving,We could NOT do that.
R & A & the girls have just left & mum is already asleep!! Now to put the house back together.
Enjoy Sydney but we are loking forward to the week-end, when you are home.
We will be going to the van, probably when you are just starting back to work! ! !
Take care, love to you both
mum & dad f x x x