Wednesday, August 11, 2010

For Mum B..

As soon as it came on, we knew we had to do it... ( well try to, as you can see!)


Anonymous said...

Yeaaaaaah we are back on line!!! So impressed with your dad, he has bypassed our duff computer screen & we have watched all your vids on our 22inch telly (from van). SOOOOO envious especially when you were in the pool but especially liked the dripping nose & the drunken dancing!
How good are we doing this after a LIQUID lunch with P & H.
You both look as if you are relishing every minute of this trip, well done!!!!
We are enjoying sharing it with you
lots of love
mum & dad F x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi what can I say at least Hannah was with you and you did not do it on your own, maybe a few more drinks may have helped!! how did Jen keep the camera so still and not collaspe with laughter? Thanks for carrying on the family tradition! Enjoyed all the videos and notes keep them coming lots of love Dad and Mum B xx

Anonymous said...

Atleast it was not karaoke!!X

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord that is bad!
Hannah x

Anonymous said...

And you have put it on YouTube!!! Hope none of your students find it :-)
I agree with your mum....being drunk may have helped a lot, but maybe not as entertaining!
Love Matt