Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bondi.... The Last Post!

Today was our last day in Oz - and we are spent! Ready to go home now - had enough of living out of suitcases!

Got the bus to Bondi this morning - tad bit disappointing - iconic beach but whole area needs a facelift, in our humble opinion! Newquay looks way better...

Yet another slush puppy

A lone surfer - can't help but think there are sharks there..

My problem with sand has not gone away

Goodbye now

Thanks so much for all the comments - back to talking to you all now!

End of blog x


Anonymous said...

Hi hope your journey home goes well, see u at heathrow lots of love xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Safe journey home. Don't miss the plane.Speak to you soon
lots of love
mum dad f x x x x

Unknown said...

Can't believe you're coming back already, seems to have gone really, really quickly ?!?

Hopefully they won't make you leave too much of your luggage at the check-in ;-)

Have a good journey and speak soon