Monday, August 16, 2010

mum and dad f:

Don't worry, we'll be expecting contributions to our now-empty holiday fund when we get back - (before you panic about Vegas, that's already set aside..)

And we're hoping Rob and Al have given to 'Barbara' - is only fair!

Will text after the sky-diving.. honestly!

Any postcards arrive yet? We've sent loads...

Yup, on to spa day - got the back massage already booked and a full day in the hot spring water - yay! Leaving Kaikora now for drive to Hamner.

Would like to say missing you both too - but you know that'd be a fib! No really, missing talking to you - that's why we like doing the blog so much.

Can't believe we're on day 23 already! It's shot by..

Love you both x


Anonymous said...

Well hello !!!
We have received 2 lovely postcards - thank you.
Have just returned from lunch with P & H (it is Wednesday !) & read your latest blog --- it is the only thing that is keeping me going. Mind you, I am ignoring the begging element. I was thrilled to get a phone call (when our computer broke) & while this hol might be rushing by for you it is not quite the same for us!!!
Would love to give you some news from here but not very much has happened!!! Rob & Al & the girls are due back from the van to-morrow (I think they have had a good time) so we are looking forward to a hectic 4 days with Al, Sophie & Isabel. We may even get to Knowsley safari park--watch this space.. Does your Australian phone work (& have the same no.) in N.Z.???
PLEASE take care to-morrow
love you both
mum & dad f x x x

Unknown said...

Eh? What you on about Foster - "given to Barbara"....what does that mean?